You can get credit from pretty much every institution out there. You go buy a new refrigerator and you will probably be given credit. You can get a loan, as well as a credit card without too much hassle. Sure, sometimes, you could be rejected. There are lots of factors to take in consideration. But… Continue reading Everything You Need To Know About Your Credit Report
Author: Daniel
Daniel is not new to the financial industry at all. While he did face a series of money related issues and insecurities as a young adult, his life has changed. Professional education and almost 10 years in a financial institution have helped him gain enough confidence to make responsible choices.
These days, Daniel is willing to share some of his thoughts to help others facing the same struggles. He shares up to date guides from his personal experience in this industry, as well as tips and ideas to overcome financial issues and make better choices in a more efficient manner.
Understanding How Mortgage Repayment Options Work
Repaying your mortgage is a challenge – you are hooked up for 20 or 30 years and you need to stick to those payments no matter what. You have no idea what is going to happen tomorrow, so things can get pretty confusing overtime. All in all, a bit of education on your mortgage repayment… Continue reading Understanding How Mortgage Repayment Options Work
Disclosing The Main Mortgage Costs & Fees
Interested in a mortgage? You are finally ready to make this big step. You have the deposit and you are ready to climb on the property ladder. But at the same time, if you have barely managed to save the money or your deposit, you should know that your costs will go further. There is… Continue reading Disclosing The Main Mortgage Costs & Fees